
Welcome to our customer service! Here you can find answers to your questions on all aspects of Royal Design. You navigate through our Customer Service using the menu on the left.
Frequently answered questions
Shipping & Delivery
Returns & Refunds
Product information
Discount codes
Claims on faulty items

You can also choose to call us:

Open weekdays between 9 am - 4 pm CET

+31 20 369 0098

Het kan voorkomen dat wij je soms alleen in het Engels kunnen helpen.

Frequently answered questions

I've just placed my order, what happens next?

After your order has been placed, you will receive an order  confirmation with information on your purchase, as well as the current stock status for all items. When your order is shipped from our warehouse you will receive a shipping confirmation by e-mail. In the shipping confirmation you will find a tracking link which you can use to follow your order all the way to your home. Finally you will be notified by text message (SMS) when the order is out for delivery. We therefore recommend that you enter an up-to-date phone number at checkout.

Can I cancel or change an order?

We’re in the process of automating our warehouse and your order will start to be processed as soon as possible. When it has started to be processed you cannot make any changes to/cancel your order.

You can always return your order to us according to our terms and conditions.

I have not received all the products that I have ordered?

To offer the best packaging and the quickest delivery your order may be sent in two or more shipments. This will be highlighted in the tracking information that you will receive with your tracking email. Your parcels may arrive at different days and times, but you will always be able to track the shipment on the shipping carriers website.

How much is shipping?

We offer free shipping above a certain order value. The limit for free shipping may come to change, and you can always find the current threshold on the shipping information page. There you will also find the current delivery fees for each delivery service.

Where's my order?

In your shipping confirmation there is a tracking link which you can use to find your order's current location. You can also go to our delivery information page, where there are links to the respective carriers' tracking services. If you haven't received a shipment confirmation, please contact our customer service and we'll help clear that up for you. 

What happens if I don't collect/receive my order?

Your order will normally be held at your local shipping terminal for 7 days. If you do not collect/receive your order within this time frame, the order will be returned to us and you will be charged an "uncollected order" fee. If you regret your purchase after the order has been dispatched from us, you need to receive the order and return it to us, or it will be registered as an "uncollected order" and you will be charged the corresponding fee. Please refer to point 2.9 in our purchase agreemtent for more details.

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Over Royal Design

Een van de grootste designwinkels met alle toonaangevende merken voor woondecoratie, tafelgerei, keukengerei en meer.

Wijzig land

  • Weekdagen van 9.00 - 16.00 uur CET
  • *Het kan voorkomen dat wij je soms alleen in het Engels kunnen helpen.
Bedrijfsnaam: Royal Design Group AB
Btw-nummer: SE556573-242601
Porfyrvägen 2
38292 Nybro, Zweden


© 2025 RoyalDesign