Fresh & Save Starter Kit With Vacuum Pump / Bags / Containers In Plastic, 7 Pieces
114.00 €
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Fresh & Save starter kit by Zwilling with seven parts with a vacuum pump, a USB cable, bags and two containers in ABS-plastic perfect for convenient storage that keeps the food fresh for up to 5 times longer.
Fresh & Save Starter Kit With Vacuum Pump / Bags / Containers In Plastic, 7 Pieces114.00 €
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The starter kit by Zwilling has seven parts with a vacuum pump, a USB cable, bags and two containers in ABS-plastic perfect for convenient storage that keeps the food fresh for up to 5 times longer. The bags and the containers have smart QR codes that you easily scan with an app to get information about the content and for how long it will stay fresh.
About the starter kit from Zwilling
- Vacuum pump included. - Large container in ABS-plastic: 21 x 14 x 13 cm (1.6 L). - Medium container in ABS-plastic: 18 x 11 x 10 cm (0.75 L). - Two bags: 23 x 20 cm (1.25 L). - Two medium bags: 35 x 25 cm (4 L). - USB cable included. - 2-year warranty. - Made in China - Designed in Germany
The knives from Zwilling unites innovative thinking design with unique functionality and they are ranked in their own league. Zwilling is a leading knife manufacturer and they sell their knives all over the World.