Barbie Blue Bliss Bouquet

Barbie Blue Bliss Bouquet

Barbie Blue Bliss bouquet by Botané with foam. Let the enchanting blue flowers transport you to a world of wonder and joy, where you can bask in the magic of nature’s most charming hues.
Barbie Blue Bliss Bouquet$162
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Bouquet by Botané with foam. It is made of silk. The bouquet is made of recycled plastic. Let the enchanting blue flowers transport you to a world of wonder and joy, where you can bask in the magic of nature’s most charming hues. Whether adorning your dining table or serving as an impressive centerpiece at events, this wild bouquet will be a striking focal point, bringing nature's raw charm into your home. It is made of foam, silk and recycled plastic.

About the bouquet from Botané

- 7 flowers.
- Wonderful, blue bouquet.
- It is made of foam, silk and recycled plastic.

Care advice for the bouquet

- Use a dry washcloth.
Product information
  • Item number
  • Delivery item number
  • Brand
  • Freight class
  • Care instructions
    Wipe with a dry cloth, Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
  • Colour
  • Material
    Foam, Silk, Recycled plastic
About the brand

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