Breakfast bowls

Breakfast bowls for porridge, cereal, fruit salad or whatever you feel like. Get the day off to a great start with a breakfast boost, encouraged by a beautiful bowl.
158 products
ArabiaMoomin Bowl Friends Forever 15 cm
In stock
House DoctorPion Breakfast Bowl 14,5 cm, Grey / White
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MateusBasic Bowl Small 70 cl, Light Blue
Only 5 pcs left in stock
MateusBasic Bowl Small 70 cl, Plum
Only 4 pcs left in stock
MateusBubbles Bowl 60 cl, Grey
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MateusBubbles Bowl 60 cl, Green
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MateusBubbles Bowl 60 cl, Ocean
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MateusBubbles Bowl 60 cl, Pink
In stock
MateusBubbles Bowl 60 cl, White
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RörstrandSwedish Grace Bowl 60 cl, Meadow (Light Green)
Backorder item – est. to ship in: 1-2 weeks
MateusMSY Bowl 75 cl, Grey
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MateusMSY Bowl 75 cl, Icy Blue
Only 4 pcs left in stock
MateusStripes Bowl, Grey 60 cl
In stock
MateusStripes Bowl, Ocean 60 cl
In stock
Wik & WalsøeJulemorgen Bowl,  11 cm
In stock