Bibi made in Blekinge cushion by Mimou with a decorative design with a shaggy, cosy front in wool and linen and a backside in wool perfect for any home.
Bibi Made In Blekinge Cushion$207
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The cushion by Mimou has a decorativedesign with a shaggy, cosyfront in wool and linen and a backside in wool perfect for any home.
About the cushion from Mimou
- The cushion comes in different colours. - Bibi made in Blekinge is appreciated for the genuine quality and the homely feel. - Made in Sweden
Mimou is a Sweden based interior design brand with emphasis on thoughtfully crafted casual chic home products. The collections are defined by carefully selected materials, low key design and tailoring with attention to detail. Well made items, relevant today and destined to be your long time companions, ageing with grace in the comfort of your home.