Kanji pot by Muubs with a raw design in cement with a characteristic expression, a beautiful finish and a genuine feel to create a cosy atmosphere.
Kanji Decorative Pot Low Grey$248
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The pot by Muubs has a rawdesign in cement with a characteristicexpression, a beautifulfinish and a genuinefeelto create a cosy atmosphere. Combine different sizes to create your own personal look. This product can be used indoors as well as outdoors.
About the pot from Muubs
- Made of cement. - Perfect for the patio or the terrace. - Rawdesign with a beautifulcolour and a characteristicexpression. - The pot comes in different sizes. - Frostproof down to -15 °C.
Muubs is an innovative furniture and interior business. Muubs vision is to make honest long lasting design. Unexpected enduring objects which age gracefully. Their products express the forces of nature and is truly beautiful with intense rawness.