Bathrobe by Arabia with an enchanting design with a lovely charm and warmth. Inspired by the classic comic strip "Moomin and the Citizen" (1958), this bathrobe tells the story of Moomintroll, Snufkin and Little My and their adventures in a world of lush greenery and flowering meadows.
Imagine wrapping yourself in this bathrobe after a lovely bath or a refreshing shower, and feeling the softness against your skin. Perfect for a relaxing morning ritual or a quiet evening at home, it will give you a sense of luxury and nostalgia every time you wear it.
Designed by Tove Jansson.
About the bathrobe from Arabia
- Relive the adventures of your childhood.
- Harmonious colour tones and illustrations.
- Part of the beautiful and nostalgic collection "Friends Forever &
Family Time".
- Designed by Tove Jansson.