Parrot Tulips bouquet by Botané. This bouquet, meticulously crafted with care, features parrot tulips in eye-catching red and pink tones.
Parrot Tulips Bouquet$455
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Open return policy valid until 31/01/25
Bouquet by Botané. This bouquet, meticulously crafted with care, features parrot tulips in eye-catching red and pink tones. The intricate petals unfold in a way that evokes the gentle whispers of nature. It is made of foam, silk and recycled plastic.
About the bouquet from Botané
- 15 tulips. - Elegant, eye catching bouquet. - It is made of foam, silk and recycled plastic.
Wipe with a dry cloth, Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
Foam, Silk, Recycled plastic
About the brand
Botané is a brand that combines the purity of nature with stylish design, offering exclusive floral arrangements for every occasion. With an eye for detail and a passion for quality, Botané creates bouquets that transform spaces and spread a sense of calm and beauty.