Small Parrot Tulips Bouquet

Small Parrot Tulips Bouquet

Small Parrot Tulips bouquet by Botané. This bouquet is meticulously assembled and features parrot tulips in white and light green. The flowers have detailed petals that provide a subtle natural touch.
Small Parrot Tulips Bouquet$502
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Bouquet by Botané. This bouquet is meticulously assembled and features parrot tulips in white and light green. The flowers have detailed petals that provide a subtle natural touch. It is made of foam, silk and recycled plastic.

About the bouquet from Botané

- 16 flowers.
- It is made of foam, silk and recycled plastic.
- Natural, subtle touch.

Care advice for the bouquet

- Use a dry washcloth.
Product information
  • Item number
  • Delivery item number
  • Brand
  • Freight class
  • Care instructions
    Wipe with a dry cloth, Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
  • Colour
    White, Green
  • Material
    Foam, Silk, Recycled plastic
About the brand

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