Elegant Lily Bouquet

Elegant Lily Bouquet

Elegant Lily bouquet by Botané with a timeless, sophisticated style.
Elegant Lily Bouquet$88
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Bouquet by Botané with a timeless, sophisticated style. Let its graceful blooms and pure white petals bring a sense of serenity and refinement to your home, and revel in the timeless allure of this beloved flower. Perfect for everyday and finer occasions. It is made of foam, silk and recycled plastic.

About the bouquet from Botané

- 2 small lilies.
- 2 large lilies.
- Sophisticated, timeless bouquet.
- It is made of foam, silk and recycled plastic.

Care advice for the bouquet

- Use a dry washcloth.
- When exposed to air, variations in temperature, and humidity, the PU foam products are prone to yellowing over time. This discoloration process, known as autoxidation, can be expedited by higher temperatures and increased humidity levels.
Product information
  • Item number
  • Delivery item number
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  • Care instructions
    Wipe with a dry cloth, Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
  • Colour
  • Material
    Foam, Silk, Recycled plastic
About the brand

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