
Forks are designed for use with a whole range of everyday dishes. They can swirl your spaghetti, cut your cake and pile up your pasta. Our beautiful high-quality Scandinavian collection includes handy packs and unique designer forks to add style to your settings. They have to be the most useful utensil on your table.
44 products
IittalaCitterio Table Fork
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Robert WelchSandstone Dessert Fork, 19 cm
Only 3 pcs left in stock
Villeroy & BochPiemont Pastry fork
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Villeroy & BochElla partially gold plated Tårtgaffel, 159mm
Only 4 pcs left in stock
IittalaCitterio Dessert Fork
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Villeroy & BochPiemont Dessert fork
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Villeroy & BochPiemont Cold meat fork large
Only 4 pcs left in stock
Villeroy & BochPiemont Serving fork
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Villeroy & BochPiemont Salad Serving Fork, 24,5 cm
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Villeroy & BochDaily Line, Dessertgaffel, 6-Pack, 14,7 cm
Only 2 pcs left in stock
Georg JensenBernadotte Dinner Fork
Only 5 pcs left in stock
IittalaArtik Dessert Fork
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IittalaArtik Table Fork
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GenseTable Fork, Silver
Only 1 pcs left in stock
AlessiNuovo Milano Dessert Fork
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House DoctorGolden Fork, Gold
Only 1 pcs left in stock
DorreTåre Tapas Fork, 4 Pcs
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AidaRaw Cake Fork 4 Pcs, Gold
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Georg JensenBernadotte Cake Fork 4 Pcs, Giftbox
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AidaRaw Fork 4-pack, Gold
Only 4 pcs left in stock
GenseCPB 2091 Dessert Fork, 18,4 cm
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GenseChippendale Table Fork, 20 cm
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GenseChippendale Dessert Fork, 17,8 cm
Only 1 pcs left in stock
GenseGammal Fransk Dessert Fork, 18,6 cm
Only 1 pcs left in stock
Georg JensenCobra Fork
Only 5 pcs left in stock
IittalaScandia Dessert Fork
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AidaGastro Fork
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AidaGastro Dessert Fork
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Villeroy & BochPiemont Dinner Fork, 206 mm
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Villeroy & BochElla partially gold plated Bordsgaffel, 210mm
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AlessiNuovo Milano Table Fork
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DorreClassic Dessert Fork, 6-pack
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Georg JensenCobra Cake Fork 4-pack
Temporarily out of stock
Georg JensenBernadotte Cold Meat Fork
Temporarily out of stock
Georg JensenBernadotte Meat Fork
Temporarily out of stock
Robert WelchBlockley Table Fork, 21 cm
Temporarily out of stock

The Multi-tasking Fork And Its Uses Explained

Most people usually only use one or two kinds of forks for an entire meal, but there are over 35 types. Each has either two, three, or four tines, making them suitable for different foods. If you’re planning a formal party, it’s nice to learn more about them. Expand your cutlery world and choose from a wide selection of affordable fork sets to impress your guests.

Holding Formal Dinners Can Be A World Of Fun

Dinner Forks

These are standard cutlery and are ideal for a huge variety of everyday food choices. We also sell unique designs in dinner forks sets and great color options from black to rose gold.

Fish Forks

If you’re serving a fish course, dining etiquette requires these on the table. They have one wider tine, making it easy for you to scrape the succulent fish flesh off the bones.

Deli Forks

These handy items have only two tines and were originally created for spearing slices of prosciutto. They are versatile forks for serving everything from deli meats to cheese. 

Cake Forks

These elegant pieces of cutlery are smaller and perfect for pastries, cakes, and other treats. They have three or four tines, and most formal tables always include them for the final course.

Fruit Forks

These are small forks with three tines, and the left one is usually widened to provide a cutting edge. Essential for any formal dinner party if you want to avoid using a knife and fork! 

A Fork For Every Occasion From Royal Design

Forks are multi-tasking tools, so when you shop online with Royal Design, there are some fabulous choices in many different materials and colors. You’ll find every type of cutlery, from large dinner forks to salad, meat, and starter forks. We also sell classic types for serving, pastry, and even cold meats. Our wide range of retailers means you can choose from a variety of designs, materials, and colors. From stainless steel to glamorous silver and gold, they are all guaranteed to brighten up your breakfast and add sophistication to your dinner parties.