Umbrella stands

Here you’ll find designer umbrella stands from some of our foremost brands and designers. Besides its practical function, an umbrella stand also complements the rest of the interior of your home and you’re sure to find something for every style and taste.
7 products
KorboUmbrella Bin, Stainless Steel
Only 3 pcs left in stock
ØrskovUmbrella Stand, Black
Only 1 pcs left in stock
KlongMonokel Umbrella Stand, Grey/Brass
Only 2 pcs left in stock
KorboUmbrella Bin, Brass
Only 5 pcs left in stock
KorboUmbrella Bin, Copper
In stock
ØrskovUmbrella Stand, Brown
Temporarily out of stock
AYTMCurba Umbrella Stand, Black
Temporarily out of stock