
Gaia - this year's on-trend color

Nature, the planet and the environment are on everyone's mind right now. It therefore comes as no surprise that Gaia is set to be the hottest color scheme in 2025.

Gaia was Mother Nature in Greek mythology. With the help of the rain from the skies she created the Earth’s vegetation. Gaia also happens to be the name of this year’s hottest colour trend. Blue and green hues give us calm and peace of mind, a feeling of being embraced by nature itself. In these times, we have a particularly strong desire for the planet’s own, cooling colours. From the sky, vegetation and water. For 2025, the experts at colour consultancy NCS Colour have created the Gaia palette, with six blue and green tones which create a fresh sensation. Particularly noteworthy is the new NCS S 2040G colour, a pea green colour that functions as a bridge between natural yellow and ocean blue – at the same time cool, relaxing and refreshing.

HübschMush Portable Lamp Portable, Green
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Klippan YllefabrikStella Plaid 130x200 cm, Cactus
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Louise RoeJewel Giant Vase 18x26 cm, Green
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Røros TweedSyndin Wool Plaid 200x135 cm, Blue / Green
Only 1 pcs left in stock
HolmegaardARC Vase, Dark Green
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KlongJazz Vase, Green
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Chhatwal & JonssonMysore Rug 230x230 cm, Sky Blue
$1 315
Backorder item – est. to ship in: 1-2 weeks
MuutoCover Armchair, Green
Backorder item – est. to ship in: 2-3 weeks
HübschCrayon Pendant Ø35 cm, Green
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